Reciprocal polynomial

In mathematics, for a polynomial p with complex coefficients,

p(z) = a_0 %2B a_1z %2B a_2z^2 %2B \ldots %2B a_nz^n \,\!

we define the reciprocal polynomial, p*

p^*(z) = \overline{a}_n %2B \overline{a}_{n-1}z %2B \ldots %2B \overline{a}_0z^n = z^n\overline{p(\bar{z}^{-1})}

where \overline{a}_i denotes the complex conjugate of a_i \,\!.

A polynomial is called self-reciprocal if p(z) \equiv p^{*}(z).

If the coefficients ai are real then this reduces to ai = ani. In this case p is also called a palindromic polynomial.

If p(z) is the minimal polynomial of z0 with |z0| = 1, and p(z) has real coefficients, then p(z) is self-reciprocal. This follows because

z_0^n\overline{p(1/\bar{z_0})} = z_0^n\overline{p(z_0)} = z_0^n\bar{0} = 0.

So z0 is a root of the polynomial z^n\overline{p(\bar{z}^{-1})} which has degree n. But, the minimal polynomial is unique, hence

p(z) = z^n\overline{p(\bar{z}^{-1})}.

A consequence is that the cyclotomic polynomials \Phi_n are self-reciprocal for n > 1; this is used in the special number field sieve to allow numbers of the form x^{11} \pm 1, x^{13} \pm 1, x^{15} \pm 1 and x^{21} \pm 1 to be factored taking advantage of the algebraic factors by using polynomials of degree 5, 6, 4 and 6 respectively - note that \phi of the exponents are 10, 12, 8 and 12.

See also


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